Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Wednesday's WOD

115# Sumo Deadlift High Pull
115# Push Press

We did this back on June 30th

Naylor did the first round in 30 seconds flat on his way to a world record, then he had back cramping forcing a stop
Jake: 8:39
Tom: 8:48
Berb: 12:02
Brendan hit 2:32 on this wod.......

Good Luck!!


Jake Buchanan said...

Sam: 7:50
Jake: 8:17
Chris: 10:16 @ 95#

This was rough today.... I had no gas in my tank.

Tom said...

I'd love to join you...but my thumb is still a no go. Possibly tore some ligaments, who knows.

In the meantime, this will cheer you up:


Modern Forager