Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday 11182008

"Simple Man"

3 Rounds For Time:
5 x 155lb CJ
10 x Knee-to-Elbow
15 x 70lb KB Swing (15 each arm)

"Take your time... don't live too fast,
Troubles will come and they will pass.
Go find a woman and you'll find love,
And don't forget son,
There is someone up above.

"And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.

"Forget your lust for the rich mans gold
All that you need is in your soul,
And you can do this if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied."


Jake Buchanan said...

24x88# kb swing-two handed overhead style

Those swings were nasty, very nasty. I had to break them up into many sets. I think they were particularly hard due to the 140 or so sdhp's yesterday and some lingering fatigue added some difficulty.

Only failed once on the clean and jerks.

Tom said...

I did 2 rounds in 9:21 then had to stop because I was breathing too many fumes from my heater.

After airing out the garage for a while and taking the trash out I did another 5 CJs at 155#, but that was it.

I must say, I like these WODs better than the low weight/high rep WODs.

Modern Forager