Friday, May 16, 2008

compliments from brian

"I totally and completely understand what you are saying... And I hope you understand what a pleasure it has been to not only coach and watch you grow, but to meet you and understand how important your family is. It is a rarity these days to meet people like you. Continue on, you help make this a better place."-- Brian

Brethren, i feel completely blessed and lucky to have the knowledge we have. we have families, responsibilities, but for as little as 4-6 hours a week we can train and have better results than ironmen and also compete sucessfully in ultra events. the sky's the limit with our knowledge and future training!!! as you can tell from brian's note i have stopped with his training. we are now on our own. i feel saddened and liberated at the same time. it's been very beneficial for me to report to and post my times, and i hope that we can all get the same happiness and benefits by doing the same wod's and the same running schedule together. kudos to you guys for recognizing the value of this training brian has offered, i think we will find success together.

One last note, tommy and i have agreed to take about a month off from running(there are serious benefits in stepping away from activities for periodic times, i will post a link about an article with information about this in the near future). So we will not have any postings for running right now. The only running i will do is in the regular crossfit wod's. We could simply follow the crossfit endurance site, but it think we should continue our weekly running schedule if only for the fact that we're on the same page and the CFE site does that 3 days on and 1 day off running loop and that doesn't fit us very well. We always want our heavy day on saturdays. So look for a simple running schedule to be posted sometime at the middle to end of june.

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