Thursday, June 25, 2009


Yes, this is a funky one.

As Many Rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

1x one leg squat - alternate legs every other round
3x 95# single arm, single leg deadlift - alternate arm/leg every other round
5x fingertip pushups-chest to ground,

Note when finger tip pushups fail go to fist pushups, when fist pushups fail go to regular pushups. Chest must touch ground on every rep


Jake Buchanan said...

33 rounds completed

33 x Left leg pistols
99 x single arm dl's(left arm/leg)
30 x fingertip pushups
100 x fist pushups
35 x regular pushups

I made myself go low on the pushup, which was odd for me, I usually cheat it a bit.

Berb said...

we did this one on Tuesday 6/30.

Berb: 29 rounds
Ang: 20 rounds
Lindsey: count

i thought that this was fun and easy, but the soreness feels good 12 hours later.

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