Wednesday, May 6, 2009


100 pullups, chest to bar
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats
Partition in any order desired.

8x400m run

1 comment:

Jake Buchanan said...

100 Pullups/100 Pushups/100 Situps. No squats, I'm resting my knee.

Jake: 13:04(C2B Pullups)
Luther: 14:30(Jumping Pullups)
Sam: 17:30(Jumping Pullups)
Josh: 18:15(Regular Pullups)

Warm weather is back and so is the crew.

I won't be doing the running stinks but squatting, running, jumping, deadlifting, push pressing, cleaning, anything lower body is aggravating to my knee. I think it's just over use, I need to rest it more.

Modern Forager