Sunday, April 12, 2009

April, 2nd week

Competition wods:

WOD #1)
6 Rounds for time of:
200m run
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
3x170# Clean & Jerk

WOD #2)
5x135# power snatch
100m sandbag carry
4x135# power snatch
100m sandbag carry
3x135# power snatch
100m sandbag carry
2x135# power snatch
100m sandbag carry
1x135# power snatch

Pick your own wods for the rest of the week, post your notes, loads and times. Competition wods can be performed at any day of your choosing.


Jake Buchanan said...

62#kb swing tabata(88 total reps)
30 hspu
45 ctb pullups
15x135# box squats(5 sets of 3)

45 ctb pullups

155#push press, c2b pullups
time: 5:36
This was a fun one, next time I'll do a few more reps.

Power snatch practice:
20x115#(4 sets of 5)
10x95#(all consecutive)

45xctb pullups

3 rounds:
3x305# deadlift
200m hill run
Time 4:22
Warren got 4:28, he was leading until the last round and the hill got him, I was really hustling to keep up with the little guy. He used 85# on the deadlift. Not bad for a skinny little 60# kid. It was the funnest wod I've done in a long time. We were laughing as we were running and as I was trying to catch up with him I was calling him a show off as he was jumping over lawn mowers and sliding down the hill. But I got him on the last round.

Weekly totals for the monthly gtg:
165xctb pullups

Jake Buchanan said...

Wod 1: 24:00, rx'd
Mass heavy
Wod 2: 7:17, 115# snatch

Wod 1: 14:50, 45# clean and press, reg pullups
Wod 2: 7:39, 35# snatch

Warren hit a new pr on the deadlift at 120#, and at a bodyweight of 62# he's almost at 2x bw.

Modern Forager