Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Deadlifts, Pushups, Pistols, K2E's

Amrap 20 minutes:
1xone leg squat
3x115# one leg, one arm deadlift
5xknees to elbows
7xchest to floor pushups


Jake Buchanan said...

27 rounds.

All left leg pistols, left leg left arm deadlifts. Pushups were a mix of fist pushups and planch style. The chest to floor variety are way harder. I made it through about 12 rounds with 115# on the deadlifts, had to scale back to 95#in order to finish.

27x left leg pistols
81x single arm deadlifts
135x knee to elbow
189x chest to deck pushups

Tom said...

Slow week. Had one of my former YM from Maine die and spent some time at a funeral and talking with the family. Great kid, tough ending. He was taking a shower and a small propane heater in the bathroom malfunctioned...


Warmup: 0.2 mile run

6 rounds
0.2 mile run
70# KB swings (10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20), start at 10, increase by +2 each round.

Time: 18:10

0.65 mile run
10 x 70# KB swings

100 x 70# KB swings
2.05 miles ran

Jake Buchanan said...

If anybody's reading this, don't ever do one leg 1 arm deadlifts unless you want trouble.... trust me on that one.

Modern Forager